Gordon W. Renneisen
Commercial Litigation; Consumer and Class Action
Gordon Renneisen has more than 25 years of experience in litigating complex cases. He represents plaintiffs in class actions and insurance recovery suits; and handles other commercial litigation.
In class actions, Mr. Renneisen represents consumers and employees. He has successfully prosecuted claims for fraud, unfair competition, and labor law violations. He has repeatedly defeated defendants’ efforts to enforce involuntary arbitration provisions.
In insurance recovery litigation, Mr. Renneisen exclusively represents policyholders. He has successfully resolved first-party and third-party indemnity claims; business interruption and property damage claims; claims that insurance companies have breached the duty to defend their insureds or have failed to provide independent defense counsel as required by California law; and claims for bad-faith denial of coverage.
Mr. Renneisen has tried cases to juries and to the court. In addition, he has effectively resolved cases through motion practice, mediation, and arbitration.
Prior to joining Cornerstone Law Group, Mr. Renneisen practiced for 20 years with Heller Ehrman LLP. He currently is a member of the Cornerstone Law Group executive committee and is the head of its class action practice.
Mr. Renneisen writes and teaches extensively. He is a regular contributor to Law360. He has taught at the University of California, Hastings College of the Law; Bridgeport programs addressing labor law in California; the NITA Western Deposition Program; and the Duke Law School Intensive Trial Practice Workshop. Mr. Renneisen has served as a judge for the Alameda County Mock Trial Competition and the Hastings Moot Court Program. He is a past editor-in-chief of the San Francisco Barrister Law Journal.
Mr. Renneisen received his bachelor’s degree at Williams College and his JD from Duke University. He is a member of the State Bar of California; the United States Supreme Court Bar; the Bar Associations of Marin and San Francisco, and the American Bar Association.